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If you are into business or Multi-Level Marketing, regardless of what level you are at, I offer the opportunity to get together and share with a load of other young Entrepreneurs who share their passion for new and dynamic opportunities. We will cover dos and donts, How-To take advantage of Information Age and Technology, and share each one a unique and exciting experiences doing a business. Be part of an online community of young Entrepreneurs who are united by One Goal TO SUCCEED and other like-minded people.

Monday 31 October 2011

The Likability Factor

For better or worse, the sales process is not much more than a popularity contest. Do you have what it takes to win?

DO YOUR POTENTIAL clients like you? Do they perceive you as likable- and I mean really likable? 

If they don't, none of the rest your effort to establish yourself as the answer to their problems will matter. When you get right down to it, life is a series of popularity contests. You may not want to admit it or believe it. In fact. you've probably been told it ain't so, but ultimately, if you're well liked, then you're more likely to be better in sales. 

Marck McCormack, the late founder of International Management Group, a powerful sports management and marketing company based in Cleveland, once said, "All things being equal, people will do business with a friend." If a potential client perceives you as the most credible and likable, you'll probably get the sale-even if you aren't the candidate with the most experience or expertise. 

Super likable guy and author Tim Sanders puts it this way: "To make choices, we go through a three-step process. First, we listen to something out of a field of opportunities. Then, we either do or do not believe what we've heard. Finally, we put a value on what we've heard. Then, we make our choice."

With so many demands on your clients' attention these days, they have to filter and carefully select what they are going to pay attention to. This is why becoming and establishing yourself as a (highly likable) category authority is so important. Your potential clients need a reason to deem your message important enough to sit up and listen to it. If you're likable, you've got a better shot at capturing their attention. And they are far more likely to remember what they've heard. 


  • CONFIDENCE. Humble, quiet confidence is just plain attractive and makes others feel at ease. 
  • INTRIGUE. Lean into greetings, make eye contact and prepare short conversational bits to eliminate awkward silences. 
  • INTEREST IN OTHERS. Say less and ask more questions. Then show you were listening. 
  • ENTHUSIASM. Pull out your genuine enjoyment for others and always be willing to laugh at yourself. 
  • RESPECT. Be well intentioned, well mannered and share compliments generously. 
Once you have their attention, they'll begin to listen and hear what you have to offer. But will they believe what they're hearing? This is where credibility comes into play. With so many advertising messages coming at us from every direction each day-spam e-mail, radio, and TV commercials and infomercials, to name a few- we've become highly skeptical of much of what we hear. If you're credible, you're much more likely to be believed.

The fact is, you are more likely to trust and believe the people you like. When you like the source of message, you typically trust it. Or, at least, find a way to believe it. 

Your likability has an enormous impact on your perceived value. Develop your credibility, established yourself as an expert, strive to be your most likable self and you'll quickly become the best and most obvious choice for clients to buy from.

-Michael Port 

Michael Port is a New York Times bestselling author of four books: Book Yourself solid, Beyond Booked Solid, The Contrarian Effect and his latest. The Think Big Manifesto. Learn more at michaelport.com 


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Sunday 30 October 2011

To Get Your Goal You Must Have a GOAL

"To get your goal you must have a GOAL" 

Do you believe in what I just say? If yes, then continue reading this.

How many of you want things but really does not know specifically what is that?

I assessed myself lately and found out that I want to become successful but it takes me three weeks to write the list of "30 Things I want to become"

Madaling sabihin, I want to become dot dot dot...

But to write it in a paper it is really hard.

What does it mean? 

Meaning, if we do not know what we want in our life then we should not expect success. 

But if you want to achieve anything you want to become before this year end or before you die then my advice is grab a pen now and paper, I know it is awkward but it will really helps you, get them. 

My Official "30 Things I Want To Become Before I Die" 
I will urge myself to learn how to get those things. 

1. I want to become a singer, singing for thousands of people. 

2. I want to become a teacher, teaching my life experiences and how I handled them. 

3. I want to become an Ambassador of Goodwill for the Philippines and Nigeria.

4. I want to become a CEO of Group of Companies related to Supply Chain Management, Consulting firm, Aviation, Travel and Tourism, Financial Literacy, Manufacturing Health and Wellness Product,  and New Technology Developments. 

5. I want to become a wife to a man I will fall in love for the rest of my life. 

6. I want to become a best friend of my son and future children, playing with them and teaching them to lead. 

7. I want to become a Minister, ministering the "Word of God" nationwide and abroad. 

8.I want to become an athlete and engaging myself to activities that will keep me fit. 

9. I want to become a House Owner of 1000sq property accommodating 300 unfortunate children in The Philippines. 

10. I want to become a Real Estate Consultant. 

11. I want to become an Author of the book. I have the title already. I want this book published year 2012. 

12. I want to become an owner of International Standard School. 

13. I want to become part of Non-Profit Organization here in the Philippines. 

14. I want to become a traveler consultant. 

15. I want to become a Church Owner and while my mom is the Head Pastor.

16. I want to become a good tither. 

17. I want to become a source of jobs, or employment to those who wants to be employed. I will build my dream gym, spa, and music studio.

18. I want to become a good trader.

19. I want to become a good tax payer and consultant. 

20. I want to become a movie producer. 

21. I want to become a mother to a model son and my future children. 

22. I want to become a SUCCESSFUL Business Empire branch owner. 

23. I want to become a horse raider, to removed my fears of riding.

24. I want to become a good swimmer, to removed the fears of depth.

25. I want to become a Vocalist Teacher and pass my singing talent to those who are talented. 

26. I want to become a GRADUATE of Business Administration Course, I believe taking education from school is also way of mirroring what is the best learning. 

27. I want to become a Money Magnet like Sir John Calub

28. I want to become a President of an Organisation that will cater the needs of Multi-Level Marketers. 

29. I want to become rich for my next next generation future. 

30. I want to become a good photographer. 


Wednesday 26 October 2011

Keys To Success And Prosperity

Timeless Principles for Professional and Personal Achievement 
Inspired from Coach John Calub 

a. You have to think, feel and act like a Multi-Millionaire.

Formula that will help you become successful in all areas of your life. 


         1.Decide what you really, really, really want.

Write figures of amount you want before you die or before the year end. 
Write down your dreams-be inspired with John Goddard "My Life List"

To-do List 

Stop working and start writing your goal

  • 30 things you want to become
  • 35 things you want to do 
  • 35 things you want to have 

         2.Take inspire action - Do not work hard

  • Fall in love with yourself.-Hug yourself. 
  • Fall in love with your company and product they sale. Never say bad about that company. Kasi alam ng ibang tao bumibili sila ng products through you because bilib na bilib ka sa binebenta mo.
  • Fall in love with your office mates, colleagues, everybody involve with your company. Mahalin si crossline, si upline. Kapag sinulot sayo yung prospect mo regaluhan mo pa ng marami and say "Ito oh pasaway...." 

         3.Goyah (get off your ass)

  • Do not sit down
  • Do not work hard, work smart
  • Diskarte ang kailangan mo

         4.If things are not working, change strategy

You we're waiting a taxi in one street for how many hours. What do you expect in the next 30 minutes?

b. Never ever seek the advice of poor people. 

Poor (Negative People)

Before you listened to someone else or somebody, learn and know his/her result. 

c. Commit to continuous learning. 

Stay hungry 
Stay foolish 

Friend, kung masyado kang matalino, maghihirap ka! 

Try to determine what are the important things to learn. 

If you are no longer learning you are dying.

Mas mahal maging ignorante, so invest in learning. 

Hindi purket graduate tapos na pag-aaral. 

Everyday add skills set. Every year attend learning seminars.

Huwag ka matakot mag invest para sa sarili mo.

d. Manage your money. 

Friend, madaling mag-magnet ng pera, pero gaano katagal mo mahahawakan yan?

Equip yourself with training about Financial Literacy. 

e. Ask ask ask

Be inspired by Rocky Balboa Story 

Robert Balboa was born on April 6, 1946. He was the only child to a Roman Catholic Italian-American family of Spanish origin like theBorgias. It was revealed in Rocky II that Rocky's black shorts with a gold stripe were the colors of his high school that he never graduated from.

f. Respond to feedback 

g. Always be with successful people. 

Yun kinikita ng tao laging mong kasama ayun din ang kikitain mo. 

Get 1-5 names of people you are always with, add their monthly income then divide it by 5, the result will be your result. 

Because of the energy was transferred. 

If you are always with them eventually you will become one of them. 

Ask "How will I increase my income?" 

Answer: Get mentor, shake hands of those successful people.

List all the names of your friend and spend less time with negative people. 

h. Pay it Forward - have a cause. 

i. Never let anyone steal your dream. 

Reach within inside of you and master the deep FAITH in you. 

j. You have to be in category of business rather than employee to become prosperous. 

Get involve with Network Marketing or any success driven career such as sales, real estate and more. 

Did you learn like I did? You can share this your friend on Facebook. 

Sunday 23 October 2011

10 Foundation Laws of Universal Laws of Prosperity and Abundance

10 Foundation Laws of Universal Laws of Prosperity and Abundance
Inspired by Coach John Calub

1. Law of Attraction

Kung ano lagi mong iniisip at laging bukang bibig, iyan ang mangyayari sayo. 

2. Law of Tithes

Give what is supposed to be for God.

Tithing is part of the Law
Scriptural basis: command in the law, Leviticus 27:30 
Malachi 3:9 says, "Ye are cursed with a curse" if you don't, Galatians 3:13 "Christ redeemed us from the curse".

3. Law of Giving

4. Law of Cause and Effect

What you sow is what you reap.
Act of random kindness.

5. Law of Forgiveness

You have to forgive and throw all those emotional baggage you have in hand.
Empty your hand to received the blessings.

6. Law of Gestation

May panahon ng pagtatanim at panahon ng pag-aani.

Everything needs time to come to fruition. 

Warren Buffet speaks about the Law of Gestation, the amount of time required from planting the seed to reaping the harvest, with regard to creating wealth (Abundance). It is well known that the gestation period for a human is approximately nine months.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4129215 

7. Law of Polarity

Negative and positive
Good and bad
in and out
up and down
hot and cold

Everything in the Universe always good as you won't determined something bad if you never experience the goodness.

Everything that happens to you today has a purpose. 

8. Law of Abundance 

Universe has infinite supply.

Scenario i:
You heard from the news that the world is coming to oil and gas scarcity.

Do not forget that God will create a scientist and will give him a wisdom to invent new source of energy as substitute for oil. 

Money is infinite in supply.

Facts: According to the study, it is more than 100 times Filipinoes says the word "WALANG PERA" ("NO MONEY")  in any expression. We call it Scarcity Mentality. 

Start thinking abundance today

Abundance- Latin word "The Latin Word Abundantia has many meanings, mainly: abundance, bounty, plenty"

Scenario ii:
One Networker invited someone with scarcity mentality.

Scarcity Mentality: eeeww! scam yan. 

Hello? as if may pera ka, maliit na puhunan na nga lang..People are afraid to invest. 

Abundance Mentality will look for business or performance driven career such as sales, real estate brokerage, and more....and those people who think abundantly are those who will become Multi Millionaire. 

Facts for Networker:
You will know you are becoming wealthy when you start giving prospect leads to other co-networker. 

9. Law of Rhythm

God design our lives like a pendulum. 
There will be a season of high and low.

But what is important?
What is the difference between rich and poor?

Answer: Rich people knows how to keep savings and know how to manage their income. 

Friend madali kumita ng pera ang tanong kaya mo ba hawakan?

10. Law of Circulation

When God created the Universe everything was made up by ENERGY.

Energy- cannot be created nor destroy but it can be transferred.

Characteristic of Energy

When the energy is positive it is circulating.
When the energy is negative it is not circulating.

The greatest secret of Universe.

The money winawaldas ng walang panghihinayang lalo ka yayaman.

Kapag hindi mo na gawa un positive circulation ng money sa other hand, the energy or circulation of money will stop in your life. 

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The Secret To You

The Genius Creation System- Inspired from Coach John Calub 

Think, Feel, and Act like a Multi- Millionaire.

When God created the whole Universe He put Law to govern the Universe.

Characteristic of these Laws are the following:
  • Universal
  • Precise
  • Unchangeable
  • Everlasting

Is the water in the Philippines boiling point is 100 °C?
Is the water in other countries boiling point is  100 °C?

If your answer is yes, then that means you believe that this Law of Relativity is Universal, precise, unchangeable and everlasting.

Ultimate Goal of The Program - Coach John Calub

Universal Laws of Prosperity and Abundance- these Laws govern whether one person becomes rich and other person becomes poor. 

You MUST, whether you like it or not:

1. KNOW and UNDERSTAND this Law.
2. ABIDE by these LAWS

Because if you do not, you will only hurt yourself, as these Laws are Universal, precise, unchangeable, and everlasting. You do not have escape as there are no exemption to this Laws.

Do you want to know what are these Laws? 

Tune in to my next blog title "10 Foundation Laws of Universal Laws of Prosperity and Abundance" 

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Saturday 22 October 2011

Thursday 20 October 2011

Ten Commitments

Make your decision to commit and share this with your team right away!

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