Sunday 23 October 2011

The Secret To You

The Genius Creation System- Inspired from Coach John Calub 

Think, Feel, and Act like a Multi- Millionaire.

When God created the whole Universe He put Law to govern the Universe.

Characteristic of these Laws are the following:
  • Universal
  • Precise
  • Unchangeable
  • Everlasting

Is the water in the Philippines boiling point is 100 °C?
Is the water in other countries boiling point is  100 °C?

If your answer is yes, then that means you believe that this Law of Relativity is Universal, precise, unchangeable and everlasting.

Ultimate Goal of The Program - Coach John Calub

Universal Laws of Prosperity and Abundance- these Laws govern whether one person becomes rich and other person becomes poor. 

You MUST, whether you like it or not:

1. KNOW and UNDERSTAND this Law.
2. ABIDE by these LAWS

Because if you do not, you will only hurt yourself, as these Laws are Universal, precise, unchangeable, and everlasting. You do not have escape as there are no exemption to this Laws.

Do you want to know what are these Laws? 

Tune in to my next blog title "10 Foundation Laws of Universal Laws of Prosperity and Abundance" 

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