Sunday 23 October 2011

10 Foundation Laws of Universal Laws of Prosperity and Abundance

10 Foundation Laws of Universal Laws of Prosperity and Abundance
Inspired by Coach John Calub

1. Law of Attraction

Kung ano lagi mong iniisip at laging bukang bibig, iyan ang mangyayari sayo. 

2. Law of Tithes

Give what is supposed to be for God.

Tithing is part of the Law
Scriptural basis: command in the law, Leviticus 27:30 
Malachi 3:9 says, "Ye are cursed with a curse" if you don't, Galatians 3:13 "Christ redeemed us from the curse".

3. Law of Giving

4. Law of Cause and Effect

What you sow is what you reap.
Act of random kindness.

5. Law of Forgiveness

You have to forgive and throw all those emotional baggage you have in hand.
Empty your hand to received the blessings.

6. Law of Gestation

May panahon ng pagtatanim at panahon ng pag-aani.

Everything needs time to come to fruition. 

Warren Buffet speaks about the Law of Gestation, the amount of time required from planting the seed to reaping the harvest, with regard to creating wealth (Abundance). It is well known that the gestation period for a human is approximately nine months.

Article Source: 

7. Law of Polarity

Negative and positive
Good and bad
in and out
up and down
hot and cold

Everything in the Universe always good as you won't determined something bad if you never experience the goodness.

Everything that happens to you today has a purpose. 

8. Law of Abundance 

Universe has infinite supply.

Scenario i:
You heard from the news that the world is coming to oil and gas scarcity.

Do not forget that God will create a scientist and will give him a wisdom to invent new source of energy as substitute for oil. 

Money is infinite in supply.

Facts: According to the study, it is more than 100 times Filipinoes says the word "WALANG PERA" ("NO MONEY")  in any expression. We call it Scarcity Mentality. 

Start thinking abundance today

Abundance- Latin word "The Latin Word Abundantia has many meanings, mainly: abundance, bounty, plenty"

Scenario ii:
One Networker invited someone with scarcity mentality.

Scarcity Mentality: eeeww! scam yan. 

Hello? as if may pera ka, maliit na puhunan na nga lang..People are afraid to invest. 

Abundance Mentality will look for business or performance driven career such as sales, real estate brokerage, and more....and those people who think abundantly are those who will become Multi Millionaire. 

Facts for Networker:
You will know you are becoming wealthy when you start giving prospect leads to other co-networker. 

9. Law of Rhythm

God design our lives like a pendulum. 
There will be a season of high and low.

But what is important?
What is the difference between rich and poor?

Answer: Rich people knows how to keep savings and know how to manage their income. 

Friend madali kumita ng pera ang tanong kaya mo ba hawakan?

10. Law of Circulation

When God created the Universe everything was made up by ENERGY.

Energy- cannot be created nor destroy but it can be transferred.

Characteristic of Energy

When the energy is positive it is circulating.
When the energy is negative it is not circulating.

The greatest secret of Universe.

The money winawaldas ng walang panghihinayang lalo ka yayaman.

Kapag hindi mo na gawa un positive circulation ng money sa other hand, the energy or circulation of money will stop in your life. 

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