Thursday 20 October 2011

Something To Encourage You

I came across with this website motivate us newsletter and proud to see a 1000's words from our fellow Fillipino.

See below article you might be interested too.Copyright © 2008 Moises P. Reconalla --- Philippines

You Too, Can Succeed!

We are now living in the information age. All the information we need to improve our lives, to restore our magnificence, is now available on the Internet, in the library and in the bookstore. There are no reasons why we cannot help ourselves to rise above the ashes!

If you are really sincere about success, reaching your dreams and becoming the ideal person you intend to become, this is the right time to think about change, take proper action and seize the opportunity to improve your life.

Never wait for tomorrow or the next day to do what you can do today. For tomorrow my friend, is but a dream and today is the salutation to the dawn!

In my readings, I learned and discovered that all great men, in the pages of history, were men of action. 

They had a firm resolve and an iron will to make their dreams a reality. They believed in their powers. They create their own opportunities rather than looking for them in other places. They never made excuses for their mistakes and failures. Instead, they learned, laughed about them and went on to become successful!

Kitto, the poor, deaf pauper, who made shoes in the alms house, and who became one of the greatest Biblical scholars, wrote in his journal, on the threshold of manhood:"I am not myself a believer in impossibilities. I think that all the fine stories about natural ability, etc., are mere rigmarole, and that every man may according to his opportunities and industry, render himself almost anything he wishes to become."

So, if you're seriously thinking about success in life and intend to become the person you really want to become, beginning today, make a firm resolution to work hard on it. Remember the world always stands aside for the determined individual. The world will make a way, even through seeming impossibilities. That is why Goethe declares:"He who is firm and resolute will mould the world to himself."

Below are just simple guidelines that can guide and help you to succeed in life.

Think always about the ideal person you intend to become. Hold it in your mind and work hard on it until you become as what you think!Always believe in your powers. Avoid belittling yourself. 

Focus always on your strengths rather than on your weaknesses.

Avoid socializing with people who have a pessimistic attitude and character. 

Individuals who only have fun talking, bragging about themselves and are always finding faults about others are the people who will only ruin your visions and dreams in life as well as try to corrupt your good character.

Nurture your character. Character is your only valuable asset that can help to protect your reputation from the sharp tongue of the backbiting, wicked individual.

Read good books. Books are wise, patient mentors and excellent professors that can assess and teach you to become the master and leader among men, yourself!

Finally, remember my friends, you too, can succeed!

Good luck to your journey in life!



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