Thursday 20 October 2011

Ten Commitments

Make your decision to commit and share this with your team right away!

Commitment #1 

Lead by example

Everything you do, you're people will do –they are watching you. By committing to each of the following, you will raise up leaders.If you struggle with fear or not knowing what to do, the absolute BEST thing you can do is move in ACTION. Then, simply troubleshoot and rinse and repeat.

Commitment #2 


Makesure you sit down with every new Associate in their first 24-48 hours and go through this!

Commitment #3

Share to at least one Prospect per day or Just Push Play DVD mailed to someone out of town with a note that asks them to watch it. 

You might attach a yellow post-it note that says, " Changed my life!" or even a personalized Thank You card (Call first to FORM a relationship).

Commitment #4

Commit to helping each new team member get their first two customers in the new members first week (Getting a paycheck in their hands).

There's nothing more exciting that creating belief in what we have.

Commitment #5

Plug Into Team Training Calls And Company Calls.

Weusually meet on our Tele-Seminar line several times a week 

Attend the Leaders Sponsored Events...


Commitment #7 

Commit to Personal Development

Positive Books and CD's. Read and listen each day. People who are successful read & listen. 

Commitment #8

Have a Daily Workout Partner

Get someone to be your workout partner and be accountable to each other. Help each other stay committed to the these Commitments.

Commitment #9

Be Committed to being here in a year!

Decide to commit... YOU WILL NOT GIVE UP! Promise yourself that you are going to stick around and WORK this for a year and watch what happens!

Commitment #10


Print this out and tell Stuart Finger that you are Committed to the TEN COMMITMENTS for the next year!

Compilation by Jeroam Arriesgado


Francisco Roman Santos said...

Very nice. I was inspired the way i read your BLOG. Now i can share with my co-net-workers. Thank you Girly for sharing us.

Lheng said...

@ Francis thank you too, for believing. Wish you the great success with your journey to the Network Industry

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