Sunday 30 October 2011

To Get Your Goal You Must Have a GOAL

"To get your goal you must have a GOAL" 

Do you believe in what I just say? If yes, then continue reading this.

How many of you want things but really does not know specifically what is that?

I assessed myself lately and found out that I want to become successful but it takes me three weeks to write the list of "30 Things I want to become"

Madaling sabihin, I want to become dot dot dot...

But to write it in a paper it is really hard.

What does it mean? 

Meaning, if we do not know what we want in our life then we should not expect success. 

But if you want to achieve anything you want to become before this year end or before you die then my advice is grab a pen now and paper, I know it is awkward but it will really helps you, get them. 

My Official "30 Things I Want To Become Before I Die" 
I will urge myself to learn how to get those things. 

1. I want to become a singer, singing for thousands of people. 

2. I want to become a teacher, teaching my life experiences and how I handled them. 

3. I want to become an Ambassador of Goodwill for the Philippines and Nigeria.

4. I want to become a CEO of Group of Companies related to Supply Chain Management, Consulting firm, Aviation, Travel and Tourism, Financial Literacy, Manufacturing Health and Wellness Product,  and New Technology Developments. 

5. I want to become a wife to a man I will fall in love for the rest of my life. 

6. I want to become a best friend of my son and future children, playing with them and teaching them to lead. 

7. I want to become a Minister, ministering the "Word of God" nationwide and abroad. 

8.I want to become an athlete and engaging myself to activities that will keep me fit. 

9. I want to become a House Owner of 1000sq property accommodating 300 unfortunate children in The Philippines. 

10. I want to become a Real Estate Consultant. 

11. I want to become an Author of the book. I have the title already. I want this book published year 2012. 

12. I want to become an owner of International Standard School. 

13. I want to become part of Non-Profit Organization here in the Philippines. 

14. I want to become a traveler consultant. 

15. I want to become a Church Owner and while my mom is the Head Pastor.

16. I want to become a good tither. 

17. I want to become a source of jobs, or employment to those who wants to be employed. I will build my dream gym, spa, and music studio.

18. I want to become a good trader.

19. I want to become a good tax payer and consultant. 

20. I want to become a movie producer. 

21. I want to become a mother to a model son and my future children. 

22. I want to become a SUCCESSFUL Business Empire branch owner. 

23. I want to become a horse raider, to removed my fears of riding.

24. I want to become a good swimmer, to removed the fears of depth.

25. I want to become a Vocalist Teacher and pass my singing talent to those who are talented. 

26. I want to become a GRADUATE of Business Administration Course, I believe taking education from school is also way of mirroring what is the best learning. 

27. I want to become a Money Magnet like Sir John Calub

28. I want to become a President of an Organisation that will cater the needs of Multi-Level Marketers. 

29. I want to become rich for my next next generation future. 

30. I want to become a good photographer. 



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