About The Author

I know this will sounds odd but "Who cares who are we?"

Back 2011 when we heard the news about "Global Recession 2011, It's real and it's going to hurt" my life realization. 

I am an Oversea Filipina Worker or known as OFW from September 2001 until February 2010. My employment is not bad as I am earning 10 times higher than the average Filipino working locally. Hence, I am among to those who gave chance for others as the employment abroad is being hit by Recession.  

I experienced to drive a brand new Honda CRV 2009 model and while paying it monthly through bank amortization for a year. I am living in the four bedroom house with expensive gates, doors and windows at above average class subdivision. I traveled on and off Philippines through Business Class Emirates Airline. I experience to have at-least three units of cellular phones and take note, they were the new editions of Nokia and Blackberry. I got the most expensive laptops in the market name it as TOSHIBA, SONY VIAO and ACER. I got the most expensive jewelries from close friends and family as a gift. My family had the same. 

I got married to a wonderful man but unfortunately we are not meant for each other until this year 2011 we end up separated. 

I had one boy and he is priceless. He is my deepest "WHY", my motivation and inspiration to continue my dreams. 

If you will notice, my life is full of beautiful things and also with ugly things. That mean is I am HUMAN BEING, not a perfect. 

Until this year March 2011, I arrived Manila, Philippines without a savings. It is short noticed and I do not have a choice but to accept the fact that "I LOST MY JOB". 

Arriving to my Country was a mixed emotion, at first happy because I will be living with my family and loved-ones and second was I am afraid that we will become BROKE. 

I thank God for the months that had past because we are still alive and my baby still having a chance to eat the required nutrition his body needs. 

This Network Marketing idea came in one evening, when I do not have anybody to turn to. I cannot tell my mom and sister I am giving up because they are getting their strength from me. Since I was the bread winner of the family and therefore, I need to make sure that we have enough money to live and pretend that "EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT" even deep inside me knows it is worst.  

One stranger approached me with a Flyer and with that paper written "WHEN RIGHT OPPORTUNITY AND RIGHT TIMING COMES TOGETHER, INCREDIBLE THINGS HAPPEN

Flyer is the old way of advertising a Network Marketing Company, handing a piece of paper with brief information about the products and compensations but now few chance to have sales with this method. 

I joined my first Multi-Level Marketing Company and since then, I am LEARNING THE PROS

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