The 7 Month Millionaire Challenge

It’s where the small Pinoy Networkers
goes BIG league

7-Month Millionaire Challenge, known as 7MC,
Is a SYSTEM created for Filipino Networkers (just like you)
To Jumpstart your result in less than a year (approximately 7 months).

The 7MC participants are:
Ø Struggling networkers
Ø First-timers in MLM
Ø Underdogs
Ø Has no skills but willing to learn
Ø Not happy with their results
Ø Who’s been to networking for many years and still banging their head figuring out how to grow their network
Ø Leaders are also welcome (with your caliber, you can even finish the challenge in 4 months)

7MC is based on the idea of Focused Teamwork where
you give your best for one (1) month. That’s right.
One month of “whatever-it-takes” attitude. By doing this,
you accomplish half of the challenge.

You’d be happy to know that 7MC consists of a
10-man team who’s commitment is to make sure
you reach the finish line. Yes. You wont do this alone.
10 mentors will walk with you side-by-side during the race.
Who can join?
-         Anybody who has MLM background (with or without results)
-         Must be a resident of the Philippines
-         Pinoy networkers outside the country can still join provided you register using your Philippine address.

Here’s our bold prediction to the 1000 challengers
(we know all Pinoy networkers of the country will be
waiting and watching for the outcome of this event):

-         About 200 of the 1000 challengers will finish the
challenge in less than 7 months

-         250 more from the remaining 800 can finish it
within 1 year…

-         Around 350 networkers of the remaining 550 challengers will celebrate their first million in 14 months… (it’s better late
than never, isn’t it?)

How Does 7MC works? Imagine joining a Formula 1 or F1 race. 

Meet Michael Schumacher.
This guy is the “Manny Pacquiao” of F1 race.
He’s the King of the Road.
At first glance, F1 race looks like an individual competition but
it’s really not – it’s more of a team event. What’s his secret to
winning many race events? He’s got two teams.

Team # 1. Mike has a brilliant “Racing” team.

In every competition, four other racers join Mike in the race.
They’re his backup. They have one ultimate goal – let Michael
Schumacher finish first place. All they do is block all F1 cars (enemies)
and let Mike glide freely in the racetrack without any trouble. 

Like the F1 race, you need a “Racing” team to finish the
7Month Millionaire Challenge. And you need to complete
finding your “racing” team in 30 days (that’s the first round
of the 7Month Millionaire Challenge).
Don’t worry. We your 7MC mentors will HELP you find
your “racing” team.

Team # 2. Mike has a dedicated “Maintenance” team.

During the race, there are times that Mike has to go to the PIT STOP.
The PIT STOP is where he needs to refuel his car, check the engine,
change tires, check the brakes and other mechanical adjustments.
Everything happens in less than one minute.

How is this possible? … it’s because the Maintenance team or
the “pit crew” do all those stuffs for Mike.
One guy refuels the car.
The second one changes the tires.
The third crew checks engine calibration.

Mike puts his complete trust in his Maintenance team.
He let them do what they do best. He let them do their
expertise -- their magic.

To Mike, there’s no other option but to give his best and win first place.
That is giving justice to his two teams -- his Racing team and Maintenance team-- who supported him all the way in the race. This is Teamwork at its finest. 

Let’s go back to the 7-Month Millionaire Challenge, your 7MC mentors
are your Maintenance team. We’ll provide you ALL the necessary tools
to make it. We’ll do everything in our power to help you reach the finish line.

You just have to promise us one thing and say this: “I will finish the race!
(that’s all we’re asking). Just like Michael Schumacher, give your best
and finish this challenge…

What’s the Prize?
Some of you will finish the challenge in less than 7 months.
Your Prize: Php600,000.00

Others will accomplish it within 1 year.
Their Prize: it’s still Php600,000.00

But most of the remaining challengers will finish it in 14 months.
Their Prize: yes. It’s still Php600,000.00

What if you finish it in 2 years? We hate to say this but you’ll still get the Php600,000.00 prize. (Don’t feel bad. That’s how the challenge works)

FYI: your Php600,000.00 prize is TAX FREE.
(you’re a certified MILLIONAIRE
by this time).

Did you notice one thing? Everyone gets Php600,000.00
whether they finish early in the challenge or came late. The only condition
is that you finish the challenge

At first, the 7MC mentors thought it should be called
 “Can You Finish The Race?” Challenge but we opted
for 7-Month Millionaire Challenge instead.

7MC Team envisions to create the best record ever in
Philippine MLM history as the “Team” that produced the
Most number of Millionaire networkers in One year period.
We know it’s very ambitious and all Pinoy networkers are watching us.

Make no mistake, we the 7MC team vows to do our best to deliver and
we welcome the responsibility rested in our shoulders.
We won’t leave you during the race.

WARNING: This CHALLENGE is for those
who want to finish the race as early as possible.
That’s why it’s called The7-Month Millionaire Challenge.

What happens during the challenge?
-         You get a personal coach. We know it’s faster to finish
the challenge when you have a mentor because… you
need someone who will assist and guide you all through
out the challenge. 

-         Get weekly updates. Your 7MC mentors have teamed up
with to give you the latest updates
because…. we want you to be on the loop. You’ll know who
moves to the next round of the challenge. With this, you’re
always on top of the news.

-         Learn to build your network the easy way. 7MC mentors
will show you the step-by-step process of doing the business
because… it’s more important to know the HOW and not
just the WHY.

-         Support marketing tools are available for your convenience.
Marketing resources are made available for you from email,
videos, ebooks and other supports whenever you want them
because… you need marketing “weapons” in promoting your team.

-         We’ve tap one of the MLM coaches in the industry.
We’ve teamed up with the famous MLM coach Smurkydad
of He’s going to tell you all the good
tricks he has learned because… he knows that 97% of the
networkers failed in this industry.  He will teach you the
ins and outs of the business.
-         Learn the strategies on How to GET Downlines in Provinces
and Other Countries Using Facebook and Internet.
Yes. We’ve made arrangement with coach Smurkydad to
teach you his techniques All for FREE while others have
to pay him P3,000.00-P9,000.00 just to learn his teachings.
Your 7MC team is doing this because… we want you to succeed.

-         Get (1) one year of solid MLM coaching. Aside from your
personal coach’s mentoring, we’ve developed different training
modules (both online and offline) because… we’d love to see
you graduate in MLM academy. Your diploma is the million-peso
earning you’ll get from this challenge.

-         Find out the monthly Top 200 performers. Every month,
we’ll post in Facebook and the top 200
networkers leading the race because… you want to know
their progress.

-         Learn “the System” of building your network in 12 months or less.
Your 7MC mentors have created an easy system to boost
your team’s momentum and performance. It’s based on a
monthly reward system because… people perform more
when their efforts are being recognized.

-         Follow the 7MC Fast Track course and get your big reward.
It’s easy to finish the race when you follow the fast track
course developed by your 7MC mentors. This is great for
you because... it also helps your teammates to get through
the challenge.     

-         Become an instant celebrity in 14 months or less. You
automatically become a member of the elite group Millionaires’ Club
when you finish the challenge because… you’ve earned it.

-         See your name in newspapers and magazines. To all
finishers of the challenge: your name will be mentioned
in press release, entrepreneur magazines and giant
newspapers because… we want the world to know that
you’ve made it in the big league.

-         You’ll talk in Araneta Coliseum in front of thousands of audience.
18 months from now, you’ll walk in that majestic stage of
Araneta Coliseum witnessed by thousands of audience and
you’ll share your inspiring journey because… you want to
give hope to everybody and tell them “if I can do it, so can you.”

Since this is A Challenge, we have a Registration Fee
And every challenge has a Major Sponsor…

Let me give you this example…

Suppose you join MILO marathon. They have a Registration fee.
Then MILO, as the event’s Major sponsor, gives you a FREE t-shirt for joining.

MILO didn’t ask you to promote the company or its products.
You’re just there for the challenge.

Every year, thousands of participants join MILO marathon.
Not all wins.
We know that Only the top 3 finishers get the gold, silver and bronze.

Let’s say this is your first time to join the marathon.
Are you really expecting to win the race? Nope.

Maybe these are the Reasons why you’re in the MILO marathon:
-         You’re there for fun
-         You’re there for the adrenaline rush
-         You want to become a part of something big like this event
-         You want to tell your friends you’ve made a mark
-         You want to know what it feels to run together with thousands of people
-         You want to find out if you can make it in the top 10 (if you’re very optimistic)
-         You want to test your limits if you can really reach the finish line

Same thing with 7MC, we have a registration fee and a major sponsor.

Good news! In this marathon:
-         Stay in your existing MLM company.
-         You don’t need to mention to your friends about the major sponsor.
-         You don’t have to sell or promote any products of the sponsoring company.

Just like MILO marathon, you’re just there to
FINISH the Challenge!

How does 7-Month Millionaire Challenge works?

1.   If you register on July 18, we start counting
your 7-months starting on the day you
registered which is July 18.

2.   If you join the challenge on August 23,
your 7-month “timer” begins ticking on August 23.

(You see, all challengers start on different dates
but some will finish it earlier. Others will come late.

your one ultimate goal: to finish the challenge 
in 7 months or less). 

3.   You are not to tell anybody what are the
tasks/challenges all throughout the challenge.
Otherwise, it will defeat the purpose.
Your friends, relatives and even your downlines
(or uplines) will ask you what are the challenges
in 7MC but you have to remain firm and keep it a secret.

friend: anong pinapagawa sayo inyo sa challenge?
your answer: Secret... join ka na lang para malaman mo... (be creative with your answer) 
Don’t worry, weve created a Facebook “Groups”
account where you can share your experience and
challenges to your co-participants. There’s a right
platform for that…

4.   We’ll give you an online account where you
can monitor your progress in the challenge.

5.   If you have concerns, always ask your 7MC
Mentors through (Attention: Ms. Girly Dasalla) 

6.   Finally, youre not obliged to promote the
sponsoring company (DLA Naturals) nor
sell/promote its products… You’re just here
for the challenge!

Maybe these are your reasons why you’re joining
7Month Millionaire Challenge:

-         you want to know if you can be a millionaire in 1 year or
less with the Help of your 7MC mentors…

-         you want to belong to the 3% successful networkers of
the country (97% of networkers fail in MLM)

-         You want to learn practical MLM strategies that you can
apply to your group from the trainings given by your 7MC mentors…

-         You want to test your limits if you can reach the finish line
of this challenge…

-         You want to become a member of the elite Millionaire’s Club

-         You want to see a good number of your downlines getting BIG results

-         You’re after with the FREE coaching of Smurkydad’s How
to Get Downlines in Provinces and Other Countries Using
Facebook and Internet (you don’t need to pay P3000 just to
attend his coaching seminar)

-         maybe you’re after the FREE trainings and 1-year coaching
of the mentors so you can pass the knowledge to your downlines

-         or maybe you’re joining Because of curiosity… 

One thing for sure:  You have
Nothing to Lose but Everything to Gain Just TRY it!

7MC Registration Fee: Php1500.00 (One-time registration for the entire challenge)
-         No monthly fees
-         No hidden fees

7MC Major Sponsor: DLA Naturals (

-         Stay in your existing MLM company.
-         You don’t need to mention to your friends about the major sponsor.
-         You don’t have to sell or promote any products of the sponsoring company.


This is No ordinary challenge. This is a Challengefor a cause
(because you want to make a difference and share your blessings)

When you reach your one million pesos, you are to sponsor
worth P50,000 and personally select any school you want
(either elementary or high school), and help them in their
Feeding Program.
You’ll be one of our ambassadors of Goodwill promoting Humanitarian cause…

This is your way of paying forward to the community… (you’re
practicing what the top 10 richest Pinoys are doing. They own
charitable institutions.)

If you want to join the challenge,
please carefully follow the instructions below…

Ready To Get Started? Email us with this title “I’m 100% ready for 7MC!” to  (Attention: Ms. Girly Dasalla) copy to and we’ll send you there the payment instructions. (Don’t worry, 86% of your registration will go back as a product)

One last Thing.  
Please provide us the following info:
First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:

Contact #:

Your current location: 
(If not from Philippines: tell us your country)
(If you’re from Philippines: tell us your town and province)

Your complete shipping address in the Philippines:
To whom are we going to shift your product? (Please provide
us a complete name.)

What’s your current Networking Company at the moment?

Who recommended you to join 7MC?:

WARNING: others will try to “copy” us. How will you know if you’ve
joined the right team? How will you know the difference? Just ASK us.

Before you join the challenge, ask us if the person who introduced
you about 7MC is a certified participant of the 7MC challenge and
we’ll confirm it right away.
For any concerns about 7MC, email us at  (Attention: Ms. Girly Dasalla)


“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 (your DAILY dose of MLM tips!)

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